07 June 2009

The First Weekend

McKinley is already quite the social butterfly. Being an outgoing and attractive young lady can really fill up the calendar. Here are some of the highlight from her busy weekend:
After leaving the house only for a couple of doctor's visits, we took a nice little walk along Grant's Trail. We also spent some time walking around the remnants of what once was Crestwood Mall. She apparently finds the movement soothing, because she slept through all of it. However, she did not sleep through, nor did she find comforting, bath time. Not even the awesome duck-styled towel wrap could ease the displeasure of the experience. In order to make up for the duck-towel ordeal, we got her a bird shirt. She enjoyed it so much that she decided to do her best lark impression. Of course, there was some good down time with dad in there. But all down time must come in moderation, so Ms. McKinley took some time to hone her vastly improved ninja skills.


  1. I love it! So adorable and it looks like you're having a blast. That ninja pic and comment just cracked me up!
