02 December 2009

Flurry of Updates: Pt. 2: Halloween and Late Fall

Fall may be nearly over, but the leaves just keep on fallin'. I strapped on my work boots and did all I could to help Mommy and Daddy pick up all the leaves. Personally, I think I was a big help. Though it's past Thanksgiving (which was great, by the way--I tried some mashed potatoes and a hint of gravy, which I promptly rejected), I never got to share with you my Halloween outfit: Yep, a Pea in a Pod. Pretty frightening, eh? Needless to say, I was able to scare all the other neighborhood kids with that get-up. For trick-or-treating I also had a joke that went like this: "wanna hear a joke...The Rams." Pretty good. It also works if instead of "Rams" you insert the name of any professional sports team from Kansas City. Recently Mommy and I had the chance to hang out with Ms. Katie and my friend Sophie. Sophie is, like, way older than me, but once I'm able to master my fine motor skills, I'm thinking we'll be able to play like champs. And I can't add anything more to this: I believe it's Peruvian. --McKinley

1 comment:

  1. ... you could also insert "CUBS" for your joke. How many leaves did you eat, McKinley?
